Friday, March 11, 2022

Unconditional love



A parent gives life to a child, and what do they expect?

When they are young it’s milestones-crawling, talking, walking

As they grow they have a little helper, to carry bags and do chores

Then they’re old enough to help with household projects,

And when they can drive they do errands and carpool and become soccer brothers or sisters

How the parent waits for their child to get married

And reach that best milestone-grandchildren!

How they earn your love, these wonderful children.

Then comes a child that defies all expectations

He does not crawl, or walk.

She never says mommy or daddy

They cannot help around the house

Or run errands

They will never bring home grandchildren.

There are those who cannot even return your affection,


We love them.

No matter what, no matter what they can do, or can’t do

No expectations,

just love.

Is it anger?


when they were young,

I was angry, heartbroken,

and hopeful.

Confused as to my new role

and how my life had changed.

Slowly, I adjusted

was able to get thru the days and endless nights

not so angry anymore

able to look for the good

and enjoy parts of life

People always remarked at my smile-

How can you?

How could I not

My children are so special and precious,

each wonderful in anything they can do

Yes, they had many difficulties,

but there was hope.

Little did I know

How they would suffer

how much more heartache

we could bear.

Today my ANGER is back.

My Frustration & heartache are back with a vengeance

Every day I am greeted by my daughter’s cries

that I cannot make go away

She suffers and suffers

and my heart breaks

into little pieces

held together by the tape that binds her wounds

So fragile is my heart,

So fragile is my baby

Hope is almost gone for her

I cannot stop the tears

that I used to quell with such ease

I try to smile,

but it gets harder every day

All I have are her kisses

and I grasp for them

as I fall apart



"Step inside my shoes"



Most women dream of becoming mothers,

watching their children turn from newborns to toddlers,

from school children to teenagers

Proud in their every achievement

The first word, the day they walked

that first day of school


My life turned out a little different.

There are no first words, no walking shoes to bronze

No play dates or best friends,

No valedictorians or grandchildren


Instead there are lots of other firsts-

when you first realize there's something very wrong

first MRI or CT scan, first surgery

first set of therapists, first gtube and feeding pump


There are also multitudes-

so many specialists, so many hospitalizations

a multitude of case managers, braces, and equipment


Do you have a medical degree?

Are you a nurse? OT? PT? ST?

So many more initials of  jobs

I am now an expert in


Why doesn't anybody believe me

when I say I know my child best?

Can you hold a 50 lb child, stiff as a board,

while suctioning with the other hand?

Can you operate any feeding pump, pulse oximeter, or wheelchair lift?

do chest PT and nebulizer, while answering the phone?

Can you learn how to use an IV in one day, give shots, catheterize,

and dress wounds?

Can you change a gtube on a ride in Disneyworld,

while holding the recipient of the tube?


How many standers have you used,

gait trainers, wheelchairs, floorsitters,

augmentative devices?


Do you have a record for the number of specialists spoken to in a day?

labs, insurance companies, government agencies, and more.


Have you had one good night's sleep

in the last 14 years?

Not me.


Yes, I am a mommy

I can comfort and kiss them too

I appreciate who they are,

cherish every smile and kiss

Their pain is mine, with every breath we take


So, please

know whom you are speaking with,

whose child you are treating

We are human, not made of steel.

we cry, we break, we need

your help!


Try to ease our burden

Not make it worse.

You are Strong


You are Strong


How often has it happened-

an acquaintance hears your story or sees your child and says

 “I’m not as strong as you. I could never deal with all the things you deal with.”

 And you shake your head modestly,

and brush it off, and maybe even feel a little condescended to.

But you know what?

 They’re right.

 You’re strong.

 You’re facing things that the average parent doesn’t even want to imagine,

and you’re handling them.

Whether you were strong to begin with

 or had strength thrust upon you by necessity,

 you’re one strong parent,

 one strong person.

 Our family needs that strength,

 your children thrive on it.

 You may wish you never had to be strong.

 But appreciate that strength now. It makes you special.


 A force to be reckoned with.

missing her


I miss her

I miss her smile, and her kisses

The way she smelled, the light that shined from her

Holding her, making it better

Thinking about her diving under water

Brings a smile to my face

And I miss it

How long has it been since I held you, my precious baby girl

Felt your warmth, your love, your hugs

You are always, will always be

With me

Our family will never be the same

Without you

A part is missing

Yet we go on

Day after day

Missing you

The princess in heaven


The Princess in Heaven

Is dancing and singing

She would be 17

If she were here.

Should we celebrate?

We love her so

We love her still

Our hearts ache

To see her and hold her

Once again

And sing with her

Happy Birthday

And see her face

As the candles light it

And the beautiful smile

As she opens the presents she so richly deserves

Yet today she celebrates with her Creator,

Her Soul at peace

As we wait to sing with her once again

my ignorant world


One day I’ll have a normal life

And wake up with not a worry in sight

I’ll get dressed, eat some breakfast

And go about in blissful ignorance

Of a world gone mad with pain.

A world in which loving parents

Have no children

Loving parents

Have children that suffer forever

Loving parents

Are endlessly tested in their faith

Loving parents

Wish for children that can walk, or talk,

Or radiate with health

Wish for children, period.

In my world of ignorance I notice nothing

My beautiful family gets up and goes to school

My house is comfortable, with place for everything

My parents take care of me, provide stability & help

I take this family to school with all the rest of the ignorant world, blissful peace

My worries will be over supper and homework, maybe a call from a teacher

Not doctors and medicine, children who feel pain but can’t tell anyone-not even to scratch an itch

Not a beautiful child lying underground forever, never to be kissed or seen again

Not medical personnel who hold your lives in their hands, apologizing over endless mistakes that make my life more difficult

None of that exists, in my ignorant world

And I go thru life none the wiser

I dance at weddings and hold grandchildren

I pray for all the other people with problems

And maybe volunteer to help them

And never would I have to bend down every day to

Pick up the pieces of my broken heart